Monday, August 29, 2005
Did You See Him? He's Probably Still Scratching His Head
Steven R. Weisman has an analysis of the Constitutional situation in Iraq in today's NY Times. It's not that it's necessarily a bad analysis or anything. But it's got one sentence which shows, more than anything, the disconnect, not only between the Bush administration and reality, but the media's perceptions and reality.
It was not long ago that the administration was loath to be seen as interfering in internal Iraqi politics.I'd say invading a country under false pretenses, trashing its infrastructure and then handing over the rebuilding contracts to American companies under a no-bid process rather than letting locals have a chance, building fourteen permanent military bases, forcing clans which have warred for decades to try and make nice without addressing any of their grievances, and ramming a hand-picked government down their throats all count as interfering. But, then, I'm not a professional news analyst.